Korean American Professional Team in Network

In light of our extensive involvement in community service spanning three decades within the vibrant Koreatown district of Los Angeles, we have discerned a significant challenge faced by the Korean immigrant community: the persistent obstacle of language barriers. However, in the evolving landscape of the fourth industrial revolution, coupled with the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic, the immigrant society now contends not only with language barriers but also with the complexities of online computer technology.

Traditionally, solutions were sought through interpretation and translation services, enabling access to essential government services and resolving daily challenges. However, the contemporary scenario demands expertise in online systems beyond linguistic proficiency. Consequently, individuals now require the guidance of computer experts well-versed in navigating these digital platforms, in addition to possessing language skills.

It is essential to note that these indispensable services, once readily available, were not without cost, albeit provided to those in dire need. Regrettably, the reality is that these additional expenses have posed a considerable burden, particularly for low-income immigrant families. This shift in the paradigm underscores the pressing need for accessible, affordable, and comprehensive support mechanisms to ensure that our immigrant community can overcome these barriers and thrive in this rapidly advancing digital era.


To solve the Korean immigrant community’s problems, we promote a systematic and comprehensive personal care management and advocacy program by developing a team of professionals proficient in bilingualism, computer, and public benefits. It also pursues a physically, mentally, and socially healthy life for old age by providing information exchange and fellowship among members, continuous participation in activities and education, etc.

Primary Target

KAPTIN is a 1:1 membership care management program that prioritizes the security and well-being of childless Korean American immigrants over 55 years.

Services & Benefits
  • A specialist is assigned to provide various bilingual services affecting daily life.
  • Benefits are tailored to meet the needs of individual members.
  • Members have access to the KAPTIN online blog.

KAPTIN Service Process

A brighter and healthier community begins with your open heart to make a difference one family at a time.